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Talking Child - Offers baby and toddler videos that teach speech and language concepts. Our Baby Babble video was developed by speech pathologists and includes a parent tutorial.

Baby go to Sleep Tapes - Guaranteed to quiet colicky, crying babies, fussy newborns, or premature infants, soothing them to sleep – newborn to age six!

Pregnancy for Men - Honey, I'm Pregnant Too is a must for every expectant father. This entertaining video features a unique pregnancy guide for husbands. Expert advice for men about to become dads!

Healing Hearts -- Baby Loss Comfort - Miscarriage and pregnancy loss resources and gifts to help heal the hearts and bodies of grieving mamas.

Mom Time Online - brings together all the things you want online. From recipes, to shopping, from craft ideas to entertain the little ones to cozy pj's for your "you" time..

Mom Thoughts - Gifts for Moms - Volunteer Appreciation - Fund Raisers.

The New Parents Guide - Parenting Information, Shopping and Family Fun. Lists of baby names and meanings; lists of the most popular names; buying guides and much more!